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Media & Galleries

Photographers and Media Personnel are asked to enter an annual agreement with the club regarding access to areas at events to which the spectating public are not admitted, signing-on for insurance purposes and the supply of photographs or video content to the club for publicity purposes.

TMC Media Access Agreement

Next Event

TMC Autumn Autocross
21-22nd Sep








Picture Galleries

A selection of pictures of our events, awards and presentation evenings, social gatherings and photos of members’ cars or motorbikes.

Thanks to the following for the use of their images on this site
Terry Thorne at Tel T Motorsport Photography, Louise Tope at Dewerstone Photography, Ben Bonfield, William Griffin, John Manser and Rupert Barker.

H R Owen Ecurie 2017 Wiscombe Hill Climb
Tom Riches (RDP) and Derek Hibbert Photography
Torbay Motor Club 2015 Award Photos
John Manser
Torbay Motor Club 2016 Award Photos
Torbay Motor Club Autocross, 11th & 12th April
Action Shots
TMC Wiscombe Hill Climb
ASWMC Speed Event of the Year, 2014 & 2015
Torbay Motor Club 2014 Award Photos
Adrian White
Torbay Motor Club Autocross, 11th & 12th April
Award Winners
Torbay Trial 2015 Photos
Derek Hibbert

More pictures can be viewed at

Video Galleries

Video content from past events including the hill climb events at Mamhead, Wiscombe and Werrington.


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