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If you wish to become involved in motor sport, but not as a competitor, there is no better introduction than marshalling.

Please click on ‘Register’ to submit your contact, preferences and availability for the season.

Next Event

TMC Autumn Autocross
21-22nd Sep








The Challenge

Marshals are essential in motor sport and all events need them to run. Marshalling takes you to the heart of the action, helping to ensure that events run safely, within the regulations and efficiently.

In all forms of rallying, marshals play an essential role in the timing and fair application of the rules and penalties; at times it may seem like a thankless task (especially standing ‘in the middle of nowhere’!) but you will be the backbone of the event.

As a marshal you are covered by the Motorsport UK’s Master Insurance Policy for your peace of mind.

The Solution

Torbay MC is committed to Motorsport UK’s licencing scheme, which exists to give training and progression through the various grades of marshalling. However, if you only wish to marshal on a casual basis you will always be welcome. Training courses are held each year by the regional association, the ASWMC – and if you are licensed you can progressively upgrade your status by attending these events.

At Torbay Motor Club events, novice and absolute beginners are mentored by an experienced marshal, explaining your duties and responsibilities, and answering any questions.

In time marshals often progress to other responsibilities, either in a role for the club or by training under Motorsport UK’s scheme for event officials such as a Clerk of the Course, Steward or Timekeeper.

Torbay MC marshals also have a long and outstanding record of marshalling on the UK’s premier long-distance Historic road rallies such as the annual Lands’ End to John O’Groats Trial – ‘Le Jog’ – and the ‘Rally of The Tests’.

Lastly, marshalling has a very strong ‘social’ side, and numerous lifelong friendships are forged from regular attendance at events.


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